Sunday 10 June 2012

Like an Eagle:Vision

have a eagle like vision

"Everybody hopes to do better, but hope unaided by clear planning, can actually hurt you"~ Jim Rohn

The Eagle possesses two abilities which makes it a distinct bird. The Eagle can fly at a very high altitude and it also have a sharp vision; viewing objects at a very far distance.

When it views its' prey at a distance, it goes for a dive until it has caught up with its' prey (food)

"What has these got to do with me?"  you ask.

Answer: It has got a everything to do with you!. 

As an individual who wants to live and succeed must possess an "Eagle-like vision"

I don't mean being able to just view distant object, I'm talking about the ability to think about the future with imagination and wisdom. Seeing what others cannot see.
It is doleful to see a man who doesn't have a vision. "Where there's no vision,the people perish...."~Bible
Our visions are projections of the live we wish to live, vision is futuristic, vision gives a pathway to success.

There's a "but" involved. You might have a vision, you must have written down a couple of goals you want to achieve, you probably have a picture of your future in your head, but all these is not enough until you take a step forward to get started.

The Eagle doesn't just view its' prey and just hope for it to come. It takes a step forward to pursue it.
Likewise a man doesn't need to hope but to get something started. "Hope long delayed makes heart sick", to make progress, you must get started!!. 

You want a new house, you have a vision to move into a new apartment in the next 5 to 6 month, don't just sit there hoping.
 Go out there, inquire, get a list of vacant houses with the price, make a move with faith, don't just sit there!!!. MOVE OUT NOW!!

It is not enough to have visions, ideas, motivation, intelligence but also one must have enough reasons to back it up!.

Do you have a clear stated vision?, give reasons for it, think about what motivated you to it, set a plan and work towards it. 

Only those who have fully prepared for their future anticipate its' realization 

"Without dreams and vision, we perish." How true! But you know, the opposite is also true. 

With visions we can be transformed in unique and unprecedented ways.

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