Monday 18 April 2016

The 5 Core Factors that Determine Your Daily Productivity

Be productive, protitize, peak performance

You and I are faced with the task of staying productive daily. We want to produce results that will equal or exceed our needs without wearing out.

It could be raising a family, coping with 9-5 job, running a company, leading a team, supervising a project or even studying for an examination. To you, it may be some or all of the above-mentioned and lots more.

Well, I have discovered that the key to living productively is to primarily pay attention to your human make-up. You are neither a robot nor a puppet. You are spirit, soul and body comprised.

Your productivity depends on how you nuture all parts of you. Your spirit is the seat of conscience. Your soul comprises of the mind (mental intelligence), heart (emotional intelligence) and will. Your body is the physical intelligence.

Ignore one part and it will affect every other area.

I have some really good information that will help you maximize your productivity.

By daily attending to these parts of you that you have control over, you can gradually influence other areas of your concern.

#1. Physical Factor

You need to take proper care of your body. Ensure you eat the right kind of foods. Set aside time to get sufficient rest and relaxation. Schedule exercises on a regular basis.

If you are intentional with this, you will be able to prevent various health problems and crises. These health issues most times come to you a natural result of your negligence.

You say there's no time? Be careful not to misplace priority. When you don't treat your body right, you will be forced to make out time later.

For a couple of weeks in February, I experienced frequent fatigue. I would always fell sleepy. Getting of bed was a big problem. My concentration was poor. I made enquiries only to find out that my carbohydrates intake was excessive.

So I changed my eating pattern. Since then I have been more productive and I get off bed strong and with a sound mind.

Have a zero tolerance for quick fix by dealing with what is important

#2. Spiritual Factor

Your spirit is the seat of your conscience. That is the place where leadership flow out from if properly nurtured.

It is the centre of your value system. It's supreme and important. Your imagination comes from there.

Many people have different ways of doing this. Personally, praying and studying my Bible daily is my way of nurturing my spirit. I re-affirm my value system.

Seriously, there are times when I feel down internally due to some major challenges. Studying and meditation from the Bible gives me strength and renewal.

I become recommitted to fulfill purpose.

I also recommend you should often find time to stay away from noise. It gives you the opportunity to reflect on certain things without distractions.

Listening to the right kind of music can help.

Prayer is a great source of power in releasing and multiplying energy.

It's a place for private victory. Many people are struggling with various things because they have a broken spirit.

A healthy spirit conquers adversity,
but what can you do when the spirit is crushed? - Proverbs 18:14 (MSG)

Take time to draw leadership from the centre of your life.

#3. Mental Factor

You develop your mental intelligence (centre of reason & logic) by studying.
Engaging your mind in serious study, analysis, often helps you develop your mind.

Your ability to handle daily challenges also depends on how developed you are mentally.

As you think so you are. Some people go
all the way to give more time to watching television than their personal and work life.

What do you feed your mind with? Are you feeding on things that will enrich your purpose and goals?

Expose yourself to information that will help you achieve your goals and broaden your horizon.

Tap into the minds of others by reading books.

Keep a journal. Writing helps you articulate your thoughts. It helps declutter your mind and gives you clarity.

You should also practice the art of visualising. Win in your mind.

Get educated about family, relationship, etc.
The strength of your mind will determine how you handle difficult challenges.

#4. Emotional Factor

Emotional intelligence has to do with how you relate with others.

It helps you listen to understand and not to give a reply.

"Emotional Intelligence involves a combination of competencies which allows a person to be aware of, to understand, and to be in control of their own emotions, to recognise and understand the emotions of others, and use this knowledge to foster their sucesss ans sucesss of others " - MTD Training (Sean Mcpheat)

When you master your emotions, you can leverage it to your advantage.

Understanding your feelings, motivation and fears will help you find the right actions to take.

For example; in the case of anger. You will be able to identify the root cause.

You feel free, connected, self control, fulfilled, focus and aware of yourself.

A developed emotional intelligence will help you interact with people better.

Take heed to also steer clear fron emotion killers include such as criticising and complaining.

#5. Environment (external) Factor

I included this because we have certain places that we work best. Some persons can't do anything in an untidy work space while some can cope.

You should understand what environmental condition(s) make(s) you perform at your peak. Make a conscious effort to become aware of your emotional triggers.

I have friends who have to plug in headphones with loud music before they can read a book. They do both at the same time without distractions.

For me, I can't. It's true that I can develop that mental coordination but I work best in a solace environment.

What are the things you do that makes you remain on top of your game daily?

Humans have this unique ability. It's called self awareness. For example, you can be aware of your own thinking process.

The point here is for you to discover your creativity and productivity triggers and consciously recreate the same environmental condition over again.

Your life starts from within. So pay more attention to yourself. Treat every part of you with care and you can begin to produce better results daily.

Over To You
Are there any other aspects I didn't mention? Reply with a comment below.

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Unknown said...

Hi Abraham

You are right and I love these tips to stay productive. We need to make sure our spirit, soul and body is refreshed and you have done justice by listing ways to make sure that these aspects are in cool condition.

About you reading in a solace environment, I too like silence but I recently tried to read while listening to music and found it comfortable. Now the music I listened to were those designed for reading.

Thanks for sharing. Take care

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hi Ikechi!

It's exciting to see your valuable comment here again.

Yes, the Spirit, soul and body has to be in sync.

As regards reading while listening to music, you just opened my eyes to another perspective. Listening to songs designed for reading sounds like a great idea.
