Monday 4 April 2016

The Star Wars Guide to Building a Remarkable Startup Team- [Infographics]

Team building, team work, cooperate work,

In the last six years, I have  been privileged to occupy various leadership positions and handle several responsibilities. One major leadership Principle I have learnt is that any leader is only as good as his team. Yes! We can measure a leader's (either by position or responsibility) competence, productivity and effectiveness by the strength of the team involved. 

When I say team, I do not refer to just a gathering of people trying to do something. No. A team is actually a group of people who are together with a shared vision. They are all simultaneously and interdependently working towards the same goal.

I received a mail with a link to an infographic that is really fascinating. It describes the leadership strengths of major characters from the Legendary movie: Star Wars. Putting together this different characteristics of people in your startup team can make you invisible.

The major reason for sharing this infographics is that the information is flexible. It can be applied to any kind of team you want to build for any project.

Click to Enlarge Image
Build a team, startups, entrepreneur,CEO
Star Wars for Startups: A Guide to Building Your Team - Brought to you by

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