Wednesday 16 August 2017

Gbemileke Sonde: 7 Ways to Live a Life Beyond Limit and Live Life You Have Dreamt

What type of life have you dreamt of? Is it to become a prolific successful person; like Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Steve Jobs etc, to be a source of motivation to others and to be remembered and have an impact in this world, your success story should be a lesson to others.

The question is, are you living up to that expectation? As that dream of yours not become a mere imagination and the zeal dying down daily. And it makes you settle for less.

Why are some making it big in career, family, achieving success, while others are struggling in every area of life? For me, I guess it's individual mindset towards life.

Do you really love life? If yes, then it's time to eradicate negative thoughts.  

Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” – Bruce Lee

Daily we placed so much setback on our mind, that can be called "The Walls in your Mind", 

  • No one loves me. 
  • I have to accept this kind of life as my destiny.
  • I am not good enough to get the degree, hold that position, and so on.
Those thought are like a poison that pollute our mind. Anything we tell ourselves whether positive or negative, our body accept it as it is in our mind as a robot.

What word have you placed upon your Mind? Or you have allowed others i.e parents, friends, environment to place on you; which are limiting you and making you to believe those illusions and you are singing it daily like a Anthem. And they seems like a trap you can't get out from.

You got to wake up from this dream of yours and shake off thoughts, believe that doesn't empower you rather take away your precious joy and happiness. 

Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind - Roy T. Bennett 

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them - Bruce Lee

To succeed; our mindset must be filled with optimistic and strong believe in ourselves, if you believe you can, You can, if you believe you can't, You can't.

You become what you tell yourself daily, Your word is a self fulfilling prophecy. 

Remember how much those limiting beliefs have cost you in life, I want to remind you;
  • The job they have make you to lose, by believing you are not a qualified candidate. 
  • The friends you have lost, by isolating yourself thinking someone is better than you.
  • Many opportunities lost by been reluctant to make a decisions for your life.
  • Making you to lack  behind 

It's now time you make a decision to put an end to this mess, for a change to occur it takes a deliberate decision, self discipline and motivation. 

When you find it difficult to eliminate those negative thoughts, feeling, have it in mind that it has become a HABIT.

For you to change those limiting thought you have to change the way you perceive, view, see life and see the better side of things.

You have been dwelling on those thought for long, it takes patient for you to form a new habit.

Here are 7 powerful techniques to live a life without limit

1. Explore beyond your environment:  Don't just think live ends in your surroundings, explore to know more about life, read books, attend seminars, make online friends, learn about other people's culture will help you to see life beyond your immediate environment, this will enlighten you to realised that no matter where we come from everyone has the power to prevail.

2. Read successfull people story: Things going on around us, challenges facing us, the background we are might not be encouraging, but reading biographies of those who have overcomed many life challenges can be a source of motivation to trigerred us to believe we can overcome every situations of life.

Note: Motivation doesn't last long, that's why you have to implement them daily.
Likewise food, bathing, that's why we work daily to overcome poverty, practice daily  to increase our skills, and many others things of life.

You become a master of what you do daily. That's why you have to engage in  things that would empower your life.

3. Move out of your comfort zone: Our  comfort zone are like a shield protecting us from trying new things, facing difficult situations, changing our routine, but you can never grow beyond the level you are, it is when you try new things, do difficult work that we get different results unlike the same old results. 

4. Find the source of your problem: When we know the source of our problem, the battle is half won, For a week or month live a conscious life; what do I mean by that, by writing down events that happens to  you daily and the thought that trigger out of your mind, Examine your external environment: What situations and people are draining you? Do you feel supported? Do you really lack motivation, or are you just burned out? 

by doing this for some days you should have a clue about the source of the problems. And ways to go about it. 

5. Believe in yourselves: Its when you believe in who you are that you would realize how much you can achieve, level you can attain, opportunity you can grab. And above all believe in God, when you believe in him nothing you should fear.

6. Forgive the past: whatever might have influence your thought, forgive others and also forgive yourself. The past can't be changed but we can learn to accept it and learn from the past mistake and make sure they don't repeat themselves again. Forgiveness means freedom; when we forgive others we are free from Bitterness,  anger, hatred, resentment and so on.

7. Fight laziness in disguised: Laziness might be the causes of our limitation beliefs, when we feel like doing nothing, and don't want to take responsibility, we look for external factor to hold responsible for this. That's when the word:  the country is bad, I Don't have this, I don't have that, this work is too hard. Start to pop out of our mind.

8. Use Affirmation: Make it a personal mantra to speak positive things to yourself every morning and every night before going to bed, it will erase negative from your mind and helps to be positive.

Remember you would be happy for what you did today, than what you should have done tomorrow. These are 7 ways to live a life beyond limit and live life you have dreamt of.

Which point resonates you the most? What steps are you taking to overcome limiting beliefs? Share your opinion in the comments section below.

Author Profile
Hi, i am Gbemileke Sonde, I am passionate about writing motivational article, public speaking and entrepreneurial. My site:

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